How to buy followers
Growing up on social networks is a great effort: it is by “getting your hands dirty” that you have noticed it firsthand and the results you have obtained so far, far from satisfactory, have discouraged you a bit, especially after the commitment and the time it took you initially to grow on some of the major online platforms.
This is why you were considering the possibility of contacting one of those services that allow you to get followers quickly and easily, right? Well, I understand your “despair”, but using this kind of solutions is not the panacea for all ills, quite the contrary. In any case, if you are still looking for information on how to buy followers and you have not yet done so, you still have time to put these resolutions aside and think of a strategy to grow regularly and correctly on social networks: you will have some. just to earn, believe me!
But now, just talk and let’s get down to business: take all the time you need to evaluate the “tips” and suggestions I am about to give you on this burning issue and then decide what to do in full freedom (being aware of possible consequences to which you will expose your social accounts). That said, there is not much left for me to do but wish you a good read and a big good luck for everything!
Buying followers: what you need to know

Let’s get into the discussion immediately and see what there is to know about buying followers. As I partially mentioned in the introductory jokes of the guide, buying followers in an artificial way is not a good idea, because in addition to being a not very “honest” way to act on the various platforms (eg. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook etc.), it is also counterproductive.
Using services and apps to buy followers, in fact, you could simply be able to “inflate” the numbers of your profiles a little, but without having an objective return of any kind. These services, first of all, do not guarantee the certainty that the purchased followers will remain so forever: they could remove the follow at any moment.
In many cases, moreover, the compromises that must be accepted are important: some services, for example, allow you to obtain new followers if in turn you start following a certain number of users (a sort of “exchange” rather than a purchase). Other platforms, on the other hand, allow you to buy follower packages with “real” money, which requires a significant outlay of money.
Then consider that in many cases the acquired followers refer to fake profiles created specifically to “inflate” the social statistics of those who buy the services and that, therefore, could be closed at any moment by the platforms.
If you are interested in buying followers so as not to arouse suspicion in the statistics of your profiles, things get even more complicated since most of the services in question are created by foreign developers who put followers from other countries on the plate (fake or real that are).
But let’s say that you actually manage to buy many followers at advantageous prices and to “inflate” the statistics of your social profiles. Well, even in this case you could not sleep peacefully, and not only because the followers in question could disappear in a short time, but above all due to the fact that Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and other social platforms do not look favorably on them. accounts that use these artificial means to increase their numbers and, in many cases, block or close them permanently. A good deterrent to avoid resorting to similar solutions, don’t you think?
Not to mention the fact that “inflated” accounts are usually discovered by companies and customers potentially interested in possible collaborations with extreme ease: if you manage to enter into negotiations with a company and it notices a large discrepancy between the number of your followers and the interactions you have on your profiles, this could become suspicious and decide to deny you possible commercial collaborations.
Given all the contraindications attached to the use of services and apps to buy followers, I have therefore decided not to describe the functioning of any of them: in the following chapters of this guide, rather, I will provide you with some practical advice on how to grow honestly on some of the main social platforms. Clearly, the growth will not be immediate, but at least you can get “real” followers and avoid all the problems just mentioned.
How to buy Instagram followers
First of all, let’s see how to buy free Instagram followers, or how to get new followers honestly and for free, without resorting to services and apps of dubious reliability. Follow the “tips” below and you will not regret it!
Regularly create quality content – being a social network that values visual content, i.e. photos and videos, regularly making quality content (which requires the use of a well-made camera phone or camera ) is the a starting point to move towards success. Don’t limit yourself to just publishing posts, but also create stories in which you show yourself in the first person, so as to create a “direct line” with your audience.Be as original as possible – since Instagram boasts billions of users, the risk of “conforming” to other people’s style is real. For this, you must try to stand out, be as original as possible and create your own personal style, which is easily distinguishable from that of other people.Use popular and relevant hashtags – since hashtags are words or phrases (preceded by the # symbol ) used on Instagram (and not only) to label content and find it more easily, use the right ones, that is, those that are popular and relevant to the content created, can be a great move. You can find the most popular and relevant hashtags for your posts through services like Top-Hashtag and All-Hashtag or with some free apps suitable for the purpose.Involve users – to engage users, make use of some tools made available by Instagram, such as live broadcasts and surveys, so as to involve both those who already follow you, but especially those who may do so in the future.
For more information on how to increase Instagram followers for free, take a look at the in-depth study I dedicated to the topic: I hope it will be useful to you.
How to buy followers on TikTok

TikTok is another very popular platform, frequented mainly by young users who love to watch funny or, in any case, carefree content. By virtue of this, here are some tips to try to “break through” on this social network.
Be fun – fun content is what makes TikTok more successful: that’s why you’d do well to strive to make new ones that are able to entertain and arouse laughter in the viewer.Get the community used to new content – if you publish a few content a month, you will hardly be able to “break through”: on the contrary, if you “churn out” a greater number of videos your chances of success will be much greater.Identify new trends – try to follow the most famous tiktokers, especially international ones, so that you can pioneer and import new trends: that would be a great coup!
For more information on how to have more followers on TikTok, take a look at the in-depth article I linked to you: I hope it will be useful to you.
How to buy Facebook followers
If you want to grow on Facebook and get many new followers over time, try the tips below: I hope they can be useful to you.
Write your posts right – avoid “tiring” users with long and articulate thoughts and prefer short, concise and simple sentences. Do this using friendly, natural and relaxed language (it depends, however, on the subject matter). If you want to embellish the posts and personalize them a little, make use of the colored lettering.Interact with others – don’t just like other people’s posts and pages, but comment on them trying to be as constructive as possible. To encourage interaction with your content, however, I also recommend that you regularly create live broadcasts and Stories, which will probably also be appreciated by those who already follow you.Sponsor content – if you want to increase the followers of a Facebook page, rather than a personal profile, sponsoring content has become practically essential since the algorithm of the social network prefers content shared by “personal” accounts rather than those of the pages.
For more tips on how to be successful on Facebook, I refer you to reading the guide where I further expand the topic.
How to buy YouTube followers
Have you opened a YouTube channel and your dream is to get lots of new subscribers and views? Try to put into practice the suggestions listed below and you will see that, with a little effort and a lot (but a lot of) patience, you will be able to get some results.
It focuses all on quality – if at the beginning of YouTube it was feasible to “split” with low quality videos, today this is no longer the case and that is why we must focus on the quality of the contents, which necessarily requires the use of a smartphone equipped with a good camera or a camera.Collaborate – doing this can give your channel a nice “boost” even if, not being popular on YouTube, you’ll have to settle for collaborating with semi-unknown youtubers like you.Identify the target of your interest – by doing so, you will be able to understand which types of videos interest your audience and will be able to reach them more easily.Be consistent – if you let go and don’t regularly upload new videos, it is unlikely that others will remember you; on the contrary, if you are constant in creating new content (not sacrificing quality of course), the results you will be able to obtain will be better.
For more information on how to make a lot of subscribers on YouTube, take a look at the guide that I have dedicated entirely to the topic.
How to buy Twitch followers
If you want to increase your popularity on Twitch, the tips below will surely help you: put them into practice and you will see that, over time, you will be able to become popular on this platform as well.
Identify the contents to be transmitted – identify which contents are the most popular on Twitch and, according to this, create live shows that may interest your users, offering for example live shows dedicated to new games and others dedicated to well-known titles.Get the right equipment – if you want to make live shows with excellent audio-video performance, have a good Internet connection and a gaming PC, as well as a quality webcam and microphone, as well as software to connect and configure with your Twitch account, like the excellent OBS.Draw inspiration from others – if you have any “gaps” from a creative point of view, analyze the activities of the most popular channels of the moment and try to draw inspiration from them (clearly without shamelessly copying their content and format, which would be counterproductive).Do not give up – if you have setbacks and the first few lives are not very successful, continue on your way, making the necessary improvements to your channel and the contents you create, without “throwing in the towel” at the first difficulties and uncertainties.
If you want to learn more about the topic and get more information on how to grow on Twitch, take a look at the in-depth analysis that I linked to you: it could provide you with other interesting ideas.