Category: Facebook tips
Just getting started with social media and content management? Want to make your business big with social media? Read in this category articles about Facebook tips and start growing today.

Increase the likes of the Facebook page: 5 Tips
Increase the likes of the Facebook page, vanity aside, is still an important goal. Also in 2020! Increasing your fan base allows you, at least theoretically, to increase the organic reach of your messages, communications, promotions and so on. We have specified ” in theory ” for at least two reasons that it is important…
Costs to create a business Facebook page
If you are an entrepreneur, or a professional, or you have a shop, I guess you already know that having a Facebook page can make a difference. What’s more: being on social media is a great opportunity to promote your business. Social media in general, and Facebook in particular, allow small businesses to first attract…
What are the video formats for Facebook?
Facebook is giving more and more importance and space to the video format in its platform. The communicative impact of videos far exceeds both text and images and the Menlo Park social network encourages the propagation of this type of message. Many businesses buy Facebook video views to increase brand’s exposure.